Theme: “Why Are Changes Important In Our Lives?”

Speaker: Nick Holod 

Nick is a local western suburbs man from Williamstown. He has played both footy and cricket for Williamstown and captained & coached various cricket teams in the west & north suburbs of Melbourne.
He is married to Sophie, and they have three grown children and three grandchildren. Nick works in the Disability Employment sector.

He is also Pastor of the Williamstown Gospel Mission Church and in Leadership at the Men’s Support Mission.

Nick has always embodied a “never give up” attitude throughout his schooling, sporting achievements and in supporting communities, including many years as a volunteer with Prison Fellowship, visiting and running programs in prisons.

Nick has also been a Volunteer Chaplain with the VCC (Vic Council of Churches) Emergency Ministries, which is an organisation specialising in disaster response in Victoria.

Nick has a passion for helping people and getting the best out of them, and has shared his faith locally, interstate, and overseas, and continues to do this where and when he can.


Time: 7.30 pm. Refreshments FIRST, then the Discussion/Sharing/Message – will follow)

And don’t forget Our Popular Segments….

1) “Better to get it off your chest – Before you NICK-off tonight” 2) “If ya CAN, bring a CAN” (A can of food, that is. This goes towards helping others)Tuesday 14th May, 2024

If you’d like to donate, feel free to deposit online to the Mens Support Mission Account;

Commonwealth Bank
“Men’s Support Mission”

BSB. 063-765 

ACCOUNT NO. 1078 6889