Theme: “Shame.”

Speaker: Niv Neyland    


Niv is a retired Safety Consultant by profession. He is a former member of Prison Fellowship State Council; Inaugural Chair of Friends of Dismas church for prison ex-inmates; Secretary of Men’s Support Mission; A former prison inmate; and has facilitated courses in two maximum-security prisons.


Niv has also written a book about his prison experience, called “Finding Myself Inside.” The book has a strong focus on forgiveness.

Niv and his wife Heather, live happily in Sydenham Victoria. (Very sadly, Niv is a Collingwood fan!! )


Time: 7.30 pm Refreshments FIRST, then the Discussion/Sharing/Message – will follow)

And don’t forget the Our Popular Segments….

1) “Better to get it off your chest – Before you NICK-off tonight” 2) “If ya CAN, bring a CAN” (A can of food that is. This goes towards helping others)

Thanks, fella’s….. we’re looking forward to seeing you there.

Donations to help the group: Any amount is helpful! Account Name: Men’s Support Mission: Commonwealth Bank. BSB No: 06 3765 Account No: 1078 6889