Theme: “A Life Worth Living.”

Speaker: Ian Campbell (Carpenter, Missionary, Singer/Song-Writer, from Launceston Tasmania. 

   Ian Campbell is a carpenter, missionary & singer/song-writer, who has spoken and sung several times at this men’s group (MSM), and held mini-concerts in prisons. Over the years, Ian has also been on mission trips to Nicaragua, China, and Thailand. Also, he has gone on several trips to Haiti where he and his wife Lee, have been able to assist in getting school houses built and organising finance for uniforms for children. Ian has been a close favourite & friend to many, in his visits to us. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear Ian share about life, including a few songs! ===========================================================================================

Time: 7.30 pm Refreshments FIRST, then the Discussion/Sharing/Message – will follow)

And don’t forget the Our Popular Segments….

1) “Better to get it off your chest – Before you NICK-off tonight” 2) “If ya CAN, bring a CAN” (A can of food that is. This goes towards helping others)

Thanks, fella’s….. we’re looking forward to seeing you there.

Donations to help the group: Any amount is helpful! Account Name: Men’s Support Mission: Commonwealth Bank. BSB No: 06 3765 Account No: 1078 6889

Please add your name when you deposit so we can say thanks!