Theme: “How to Restore Family Relationships”

Speaker: Marcus Valles 


Marcus is an experienced bi-vocational professional with over 20 years in Christian ministry and 30 years in business and entrepreneurship.

He is the National Coordinator of Family Foundations International, Australia and Lead Pastor of Imagine Micro Churches.
He also lectures at Insight Academy, a Melbourne-based college that assists people in starting their own businesses.

Throughout his career, Marcus has been instrumental in helping people with real-world problems, personal challenges, family life, and living with a sense of mission.

In a world that is more connected than ever, our families still experience so much conflict and cut-off.

Experts have identified loneliness and social isolation as the next public health epidemic. For instance, the UK has the world’s first government Minister for Loneliness.

Marcus, a husband and father of three, understands how changes in information technology and social media have impacted addictions and family relationships and brings unique perspectives to serve your family.


Time: 7.30 pm. Refreshments FIRST, then the Discussion/Sharing/Message – will follow)

And don’t forget Our Popular Segments….

1) “Better to get it off your chest – Before you NICK-off tonight” 2) “If ya CAN, bring a CAN” (A can of food, that is. This goes towards helping others)Tuesday 14th May, 2024

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“Men’s Support Mission”

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ACCOUNT NO. 1078 6889