REMINDER: – That we must wear a maskUnless exempted

Theme: Niv’s Book Launch:-Finding Myself Inside -When A Prison Sentence Becomes God’s Gift Of Love”        

Speaker: “Niv Neyland” 

    Niven Neyland is the inaugural chair of Friends of Dismas church for prison ex-inmates, secretary of Men’s Support Mission, and a long-term member of Prison Fellowship, Australia. After many years in management, Niv founded his own occupational health and safety consulting firm. Niv, his wife Heather, and their son Niven Neyland, Jr. live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia! Tim Costello’s comments: “Niven Neyland has written his compelling story, and I can honestly say there are few other stories that are quite as honest, insightful and hopeful as this one.” “If there is ever a place that needs the out workings of the gospel it is our prisons. Niv Neyland’s story exemplifies this magnificently.” “In the ‘least of them’ there is the image of God. I think we see this beautifully expressed in the transformative work of God in and through Niv Neyland.” “What a powerful testimony! May God continue to protect and use you mightily Niv in the calling he has placed on your life.” =========================================================================================== Williamstown Gospel Mission, 8-10 Electra Street Williamstown Time: 7.30 pm Refreshments FIRST, then the Discussion/Sharing/Message – will follow)

And don’t forget the Our Popular Segments….

1) “Better to get it off your chest – Before you NICK-off tonight” 2) “If ya CAN, bring a CAN” (A can of food that is. This goes towards helping all others)

Thank you….. and looking forward to seeing you there.

Donations to help the group: Any amount is helpful! Account Name: Men’s Support Mission: Commonwealth Bank. BSB No: 06 3765 Account No: 1078 6889 Please make a note with your deposit “Donation”.