Theme: “Coping With Change”

Speaker: Paul Coyle

Paul is married to Irene now for 43 years and has two grown up children. Originally having a degree in the biological sciences, he re-skilled with a marketing degree and has been involved in the printing and fundraising industry for over 40 years working with organisations in the charitable sector. He is CEO of Classic Press / Kaleidoscope Art. 
His faith has been integral to his work life and will share stories of his faith and his life’s journey in Melbourne. He has worked with a number of Christian organisations and churches on boards of management (Inc Youth For Christ) & leadership teams. His passion is to see faith being a normal part of life, not something you separate from your daily life.  



Time: 7.30pm Refreshments FIRST, then the Discussion/Sharing/Message – will follow)

And don’t forget the Our Popular Segments….

1) “Better to get it off your chest – Before you NICK-off tonight”
2) “If ya CAN, bring a CAN” (A can of food that is. This goes towards helping all others)

Thank you….. and looking forward to seeing you there.

Donations to help the group: Any amount is helpful!
Account Name: Mens Support Mission: Commonwealth Bank. BSB No: 06 3765 Account No: 1078 6889

Please make a note with your deposit “Donation”, include your “Name” if you want.